Widgets on App Build

Button Types : Nav & Action

The Nav Button serves as a navigational tool within the app interface, allowing users to seamlessly move between different screens. It provides quick access to key sections of the app, enhancing user experience and efficiency. The Nav Button is primarily used to navigate to screens such as Splash, Settings, Help, Search, and Bookmarks, providing users with easy access to essential functionalities.

Action Button:

The Action Button is designed to trigger specific functions or actions within the app. It serves as a call-to-action element, prompting users to perform tasks or initiate processes. The Action Button is versatile and can be customized to accommodate various functionalities based on user needs. Common actions associated with the Action Button include Search, Update Content, Login, Logout, and Font Size adjustment. By strategically placing Action Buttons throughout the app interface, designers can optimize user engagement and streamline user interactions.

URL Button:

Font Size




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